What is an Aura?
An aura is an invisible energy field that surrounds all living things. It is said to be a reflection of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The colors of an aura can be interpreted to give us insights into our personality, inclinations, and patterns.
How to See Auras
Some people are naturally able to see auras, while others need to learn how to do it. There are a few different ways to see auras, including:
- Clairvoyance: This is the ability to see auras with the mind’s eye.
- Clairsentience: This is the ability to feel auras with the body.
- Clairaudience: This is the ability to hear auras with the ears.
If you want to learn how to see auras, there are a few things you can do:
- Practice meditation and visualization.
- Spend time in nature.
- Be open to the possibility of seeing auras.
Here is a short practice in seeing auras:
Sit comfortably in front of a mirror or another person.
Focus on the spot directly between their (your) eyes. Trying not to blink continue to stare at that spot. You should get to a point where your focus is blurry and relaxed. This should take about 2-4 minutes. From the corner of your vision you will start noticing a haze around the person (yourself) very slightly shift your focus to the haze. You will notice colors sometimes different colors sometimes one main color. This is your aura.
The Colors of Auras
Each color of the aura is associated with a different quality or emotion. Here is a brief overview of the colors and their meanings:
- Red: Passion, energy, anger
- Orange: Creativity, enthusiasm, joy
- Yellow: Intellect, logic, communication
- Green: Growth, healing, abundance
- Blue: Peace, tranquility, spirituality
- Indigo: Intuition, wisdom, compassion
- Violet: Enlightenment, transformation, healing
Aura Readings
Aura readings are a way to gain insights into your personality, emotional state, and spiritual well-being. A trained aura reader can see the colors of your aura and interpret them to give you a sense of your overall health and well-being.
Benefits of Aura Readings
Aura readings can be beneficial for a number of reasons, including:
- Gaining insights into your personality and emotional state
- Identifying areas of your life that need attention
- Making positive changes in your life
- Increasing your self-awareness and self-understanding
- Connecting with your spiritual side
Auras are a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon. While there is no scientific evidence to prove their existence, many people believe that they are a real and powerful force. If you are interested in learning more about auras, there are a number of resources available to you. You can read books, articles, and websites on the subject. You can also find aura readers who can give you a reading.
Peace, Love and Light